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Articles, tagged with "six months", page 1
Introduction You are entitled to statutory redundancy pay if you have two year continuous service. The amount will be determined on the basis of: Your age; Your weekly pay; and Duration of continuous service. Your emp...
Author: Clark_Taylor
I am being made redundant at work. What will my redundancy payment be?
27th April 2012Introduction You are entitled to statutory redundancy pay if you have two year continuous service. The amount will be determined on the basis of: Your age; Your weekly pay; and Duration of continuous service. Your emp...
Author: Clark_Taylor
Immigration Law
Globalization and migration have steadily grown over the previous decades. One of the most popular countries in the world where people are enjoying the benefits of migration is Australia. Once a penal colony and the last place on Earth that someone from t...
Author: markacesmith
The Best Approach When Applying for Australian Spouse Visas
04th November 2011Globalization and migration have steadily grown over the previous decades. One of the most popular countries in the world where people are enjoying the benefits of migration is Australia. Once a penal colony and the last place on Earth that someone from t...
Author: markacesmith
Real Estate Law
Considerable confusion is evident amongst flat owners in England and Wales (the law in Scotland is a little different) concerning the definite meaning of leasehold whilst referring to their apartment or flat. You might see flats advertised sometimes as ha...
Author: Leasehold Advice
What is the definition of leasehold in the residential flat sector?
19th July 2011Considerable confusion is evident amongst flat owners in England and Wales (the law in Scotland is a little different) concerning the definite meaning of leasehold whilst referring to their apartment or flat. You might see flats advertised sometimes as ha...
Author: Leasehold Advice
Continual ache or disorder is a fairly unusual variety of disability, not the least because even the doctors are divided concerning its definition and good reasons. Commonly, any discomfort which lasts more than six months is termed persistent pain. Some ...
Author: Renie Melendez
Disability Tax Credits Credit for Persistent Pain Condition
17th June 2011Continual ache or disorder is a fairly unusual variety of disability, not the least because even the doctors are divided concerning its definition and good reasons. Commonly, any discomfort which lasts more than six months is termed persistent pain. Some ...
Author: Renie Melendez
Statelessness is the legal and social status of a man or woman getting no state to identify his nationality. The term is usually linked with refugees and asylum requests. A STATELESS divorce, on the other hand, is a term I had just created up to refer to ...
Author: geraldtudo81
Thailand Divorce Or Stateless Divorce
15th June 2011Statelessness is the legal and social status of a man or woman getting no state to identify his nationality. The term is usually linked with refugees and asylum requests. A STATELESS divorce, on the other hand, is a term I had just created up to refer to ...
Author: geraldtudo81
Family Law
Copyright (c) 2011 Jackie Ramler The Family Law Act was passed in Ontario in March 1986. The law provides the framework for a sharing of the value of assets during a marriage for spouses who are married to each other or who have entered into a marriag...
Author: Jackie Rahmler
The Joy of An Ex - Property Division
06th June 2011Copyright (c) 2011 Jackie Ramler The Family Law Act was passed in Ontario in March 1986. The law provides the framework for a sharing of the value of assets during a marriage for spouses who are married to each other or who have entered into a marriag...
Author: Jackie Rahmler
Real Estate Law
The process of foreclosure may seem to hard to grasp for people who do not work inside the industry of banking; however, it is simply quite similar to a tube. People are placed inside of tubes when they are ninety days late. And, if they are lucky, the...
Author: karen
What is Foreclosure?
27th May 2011The process of foreclosure may seem to hard to grasp for people who do not work inside the industry of banking; however, it is simply quite similar to a tube. People are placed inside of tubes when they are ninety days late. And, if they are lucky, the...
Author: karen
New paternity laws came into action this April, enabling Father’s to take more time off work after to the birth of their children. Prior to this change the paternity leave that employers had to give their employees was only two weeks; a maximum of t...
Author: amnorge
New Paternity Laws – A Summary
19th April 2011New paternity laws came into action this April, enabling Father’s to take more time off work after to the birth of their children. Prior to this change the paternity leave that employers had to give their employees was only two weeks; a maximum of t...
Author: amnorge
Immigration Law
The fiancée visa, also referred to as K1 visa, or Visa of Fiance, is incredibly common among those people who meet their soulmates abroad. The increase in demand is because of the recognition of online matchmaking. Getting a Fiancee Visa is often a hard p...
Author: Klaus Wood
K1 Immigrant Entrance Visa For My Fiancee
05th April 2011The fiancée visa, also referred to as K1 visa, or Visa of Fiance, is incredibly common among those people who meet their soulmates abroad. The increase in demand is because of the recognition of online matchmaking. Getting a Fiancee Visa is often a hard p...
Author: Klaus Wood
If you or a family member have been injured as a result of medical malpractice at a Veterans Administration (VA) or military medical facility, you may believe that are your circumstances prevent you from filing a claim. Additionally, you may not be aware ...
Author: Jane.Stafford
3 Key Things You Should Know about Statute of Limitations in Military Medical Malpractice
04th April 2011If you or a family member have been injured as a result of medical malpractice at a Veterans Administration (VA) or military medical facility, you may believe that are your circumstances prevent you from filing a claim. Additionally, you may not be aware ...
Author: Jane.Stafford
Immigration Law
You can become a citizen of the United States either by birth or through naturalization. If you were born in the US, you become a US citizen automatically. You also can claim citizenship if you were born to US citizen parents, depending on meeting certa...
Author: Paul Anderson
When Does One Become Eligible to Apply for Citizenship?
01st April 2011You can become a citizen of the United States either by birth or through naturalization. If you were born in the US, you become a US citizen automatically. You also can claim citizenship if you were born to US citizen parents, depending on meeting certa...
Author: Paul Anderson
Immigration Law
US Citizenship To qualify for American citizenship, you should be at least 18 years or older and a permanent resident (Green Card holder). You have to be a permanent resident for five years to be eligible to file for citizenship. If your spouse is a ...
Author: Paul Anderson
What Is Citizenship?
28th March 2011US Citizenship To qualify for American citizenship, you should be at least 18 years or older and a permanent resident (Green Card holder). You have to be a permanent resident for five years to be eligible to file for citizenship. If your spouse is a ...
Author: Paul Anderson
Immigration Law
On-line Green Card renewal is one of the ways by which you will get your green card renewed. A green card signifies your lawful permanent status in the US. Though your status is permanent your card is valid only for 10 years and has to be renewed regularl...
Author: Michael Opulente
On-line Alien Registration Card Renew Submission
28th March 2011On-line Green Card renewal is one of the ways by which you will get your green card renewed. A green card signifies your lawful permanent status in the US. Though your status is permanent your card is valid only for 10 years and has to be renewed regularl...
Author: Michael Opulente
The Tax extension really provide to an Individual additional time period of Six months. Lots of people choose to file an extension as they be familiar with that they are not capable to appropriately arrange their income tax return earlier than the time li...
Author: Jerry Smith
Tax Extension 2010 For An Unplanned Tax Payers
21st March 2011The Tax extension really provide to an Individual additional time period of Six months. Lots of people choose to file an extension as they be familiar with that they are not capable to appropriately arrange their income tax return earlier than the time li...
Author: Jerry Smith
Bankruptcy Law
In the process of credit advice at an “approved non-profit financial position and credit guidance agency” within 180 days before declaring Chapter 7 or Chapter thirteen bankruptcy is needed as per the new bankruptcy law that came into effect on October 17...
Author: cwdarkangel
Stages for Answering Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
17th March 2011In the process of credit advice at an “approved non-profit financial position and credit guidance agency” within 180 days before declaring Chapter 7 or Chapter thirteen bankruptcy is needed as per the new bankruptcy law that came into effect on October 17...
Author: cwdarkangel