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Gen Wright
Member Since: 18th August 2008
No of Articles: 8
About Me:
Internet Law

How To Prevent Identity Theft By Computer Hackers

31st January 2011
Preventing Identity Theft is the best identity theft insurance. This also applies to computer hacking because there are clearly ways to prevent identity theft from this method. Many have assumed that the incidence of identity theft would have decreased...

Hot Off The Press - An Event to Support Firefighters

19th January 2011
Known for fighting fires, not causing them, a group of Puerto Vallarta (Mexico) firefighters and lifeguards are threatening to set off some sparks this holiday season. That's because their sizzling 2011 calendar, an impressive selection of smokin' hot fi...
Employment Law

An Introduction To Payroll Tax

20th July 2010
The Federal tax, Social Security Tax and Medicare Tax form a part of the Payroll Tax. This article will give a brief introduction on each of these tax heads that form the Payroll Tax. Federal Tax The Federal Tax is a portion of every individual's m...
Business Law

Franchise Agreements And Contracts

21st June 2010
Franchise Agreements and Contracts When looking into purchasing a franchise it's a good idea to investigate its background with a healthy dose of skepticism. It can be easy to get caught up in the hype of glossy brochures and promises of quick profits,...
Personal Injury

Whiplash Injury Compensation Claims- Finding A Company You Can Trust

08th June 2010
Legal counsel often gets a bad rap. Lawyer jokes are more prevalent today than they have ever been, and the general consensus is that practitioners are money hungry, uncaring, and unscrupulous people who will stop at nothing to make a buck. While this can...

Compensation For Whiplash Injury- What Is The Average Payout?

08th June 2010
When an accident happens, you may not feel the full effects right off. It can sometimes take several days before your body has calmed down enough to know that there is something wrong with it. Traumas to the neck and back areas usually rear their heads ar...
Real Estate Law

Understanding Your Rental Agreement And An Eviction Notice

18th March 2010
Almost all landlords will eventually have to evict one of his tenants. To evict means to use legal methods to force a tenant to leave the landlord's property if they will not do so voluntarily. There are many reasons a landlord may have to evict, inc...
Accident claims

Four Factors That Influence Compensation For Whiplash

21st December 2009
Have you been in an accident? Has it impaired your ability to work or move around like you once could? Every year, millions of citizens around the world struggle with the aftereffects of a violent accident. In many ways, life is never the same once this e...