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Articles, tagged with "unpleasant experience", page 1

Accident claims

Advice following an accident

29th June 2011
Unfortunately accidents do happen and for those lucky few who escape injury the experience can be filed in the mishap box. However, for most, an injury will be a natural consequence of any accident, be it a car accident, accident at work or an accident wh...
Author: Christopher

Getting Divorced in Phoenix

23rd April 2010
A divorce is not usually a consideration when we enter into our marriage vows, and it can be an incredibly unpleasant experience. However, many marriages in many areas of life end in divorce. When a marriage ends, it's essential to select the best legal c...
Author: Horace Jordan
Accident claims

Your Car Is Totaled – Finding a Car Accident Lawyer in San Antonio

01st April 2010
Getting injured unexpectedly is a very unpleasant experience to say the least, and the last thing that people usually want to think about when they are laid up in the hospital is how to choose the right personal injury lawyer to defend their case. In fact...
Author: Jed Totus