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J. Hernandez
Member Since: 26th May 2010
No of Articles: 34
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Medical Malpractice

Why Nurses Might Fail To Notify A Doctor That Baby Suffers From A Placental Abruption

23rd February 2011
There are several types of mistakes medical staff make when faced with an expectant mother experiencing a placental abruption. The reason that an abruption of the placental is so dangerous for the unborn child is that is can greatly lessen the amount of o...
Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice Liability If Physician's Negligence Causes Child's Erb's Palsy Injury

22nd February 2011
Erb’s palsy is a type of an injury that can affect a baby’s shoulder, arm and hand, giving the baby a limp arm. This type of injury may arise in the course of childbirth if excessive pressure is applied, thereby damaging the nerves in the shoulder. In cas...

Malpractice Lawsuit Against Physician For Failing to Diagnosing Premature Membrane Rupture

08th January 2011
Premature rupture of membranes is a situation where the amniotic sac ruptures before labor. When a physician that determines that a mother has suffered a premature rupture of membranes the medical community normally concurs that the treating doctor ought ...
Accident claims

The Way Different Factors Can Add To The Value Of An Auto Accident Case

22nd November 2010
There will be roughly three million individuals injured this year in a motor vehicle accident. Two million of those people will endure permanent disabilities. That is approximately one lifelong injury from a motor vehicle accident every 16 seconds. Each l...
Medical Malpractice

Years Of Physician Ignoring Abnormal Screening Test Results Leaves Man With Avanced Prostate Cancer

04th October 2010
This year about 14% of the 193,000 adult men identified as having prostate cancer will already have advanced prostate cancer by the time the cancer is detected. With screening, including digital examinations and PSA blood tests, a number of these individu...
Medical Malpractice

Why Ignoring Symptoms Of Colon Cancer Might Result in A Medical Malpractice Claim

24th September 2010
Patient: “Doctor, I am spotting blood in my stool.” Physician: “It is probalby nothing. You in all likelihood just have hemorrhoids.” Tragically, some time subsequently this individual learns that the bleeding was really the result of a cancerous tu...

Parents Of Stillborn Baby Sue Physician For Malpractice In Use Of Vacuum Extractor During Childbirth

23rd September 2010
Each state has unique laws concerning medical malpractice or wrongful death cases resulting from a stillbirth. In certain states the father has no standing to file a claim, only the mother can file a case. In several states a mother is only able to pursue...
Medical Malpractice

How Malpractice Cases Might Allege Metastatic Prostate Cancer Due To Holdup From Watchful Waiting

23rd September 2010
Physicians typically use two tests to screen male patients for prostate cancer. The thought is to diagnose the cancer early - before it has a chance to spread while treatment is likely to eliminate the cancer rather than wait until the cancer advances and...
Accident claims

Why Defendant's Give False Testimony About Their Role In A Motor Vehicle Accident

15th September 2010
It is not uncommon for lawyers helping victims of motor vehicle accidents to see a claim with two drivers who give radically diverse accounts of the accident. Experience on the part of the lawyer and the readiness to fully investigate the circumstances of...
Accident claims

Examples Of Pedestrians Severely Hurt While In A Marked Crosswalk

26th August 2010
Do you think you're safe by following the rules and using a crosswalk to cross the street? You you try to only cross a street at a marked crosswalk. If perhaps there were a guarantee that drivers would follow the rules and give pedestrians in a crosswalk ...
Medical Malpractice

What Happens When Doctors Do Not Follow Up On Abnormal Digital Exam And PSA Testing

26th August 2010
Imagine you are a man and you go to your doctor for your yearly checkup. Imagine the physician orders blood tests, including a PSA test which is used for the early detection of prostate cancer. So far, so good. This is the way to determine whether a male ...
Accident claims

Bicyclist Seriously Harmed In Motor Vehicle Accident Compensated $3,500,000 With Assistance From Exp

25th August 2010
The correct expert witness can make the difference between a winning outcome and the loss of a car accident claim. In realistic terms, though, it is not always economically feasible to retain an expert witness. The economics of a case involving minor inju...
Medical Malpractice

Physicians And Nurses Pay $4.0 Million Settlement In Lawsuit Regarding Infant With Cerebral Palsy

23rd August 2010
The fetal heart rate monitor provides doctors and nurses with useful data regarding the health of the unborn baby while the mother is in labor. The tracings from the monitor are interpreted for signs that the health of the unborn baby is in danger. Should...
Medical Malpractice

After Patient Tells 3 Physicians About His Symptoms Physicians Do Not Detect Prostate Cancer For Yea

03rd August 2010
Once multiple doctors become involved in the care a patient it can be very important for them to communicate urgent diagnostic results as well as follow-up and treatment suggestions to the patient and other doctors. The need for such communication is not ...
Medical Malpractice

$4.5 Million For Mother Who Lost Baby From Delay In Medical Care

09th July 2010
Paramedics, who are generally the first on the scene of a medical emergency need to provide treatment that meets the applicable standard of care. Their ability to notice symptoms, to make fast and accurate decisions as to whether to contact a physician fo...
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