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Articles, tagged with "assets", page 13


The Real World of Alimony (Spousal Maintenance) Under Washington State Divorce Law

17th January 2008
The only time I see maintenance/alimony awarded in marriages less than five years is where one party is unemployed or would end up on the street if their partner just left them. Even in those cases, the awarded at temporary orders reads something like: "T...
Author: Robert Stark

Your "Last Will & Testament:" Why You Need One, What You Need In It, and the Smart Ste

19th January 2006
Preparing a "Last Will and Testament" - commonly known simply as a will -- is not something that anyone enjoys thinking about or doing. But it is something that almost every adult -- especially those with children -- should think about and do. The majorit...
Author: Brian Vaszily


03rd August 2005
The only difference between dying and living is that when one is alive you tend to do things one at a time but when the time comes for you to die you do things all at one time. So the best thing is for you to take care of everything while well and in good...
Author: Jinky Mesias
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