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Articles, tagged with "father and mother", page 1

Immigration Law

Immigrant faces custody struggle in Missouri courtroom

22nd November 2010
JEFFERSON City, Missouri - A girl in the midst of an immigration fight is asking the Missouri Supreme Court to give her back custody of her child who is presently currently being undertaken care of by adoptive father and mother.Encarnacion Bail Romero was...
Author: Johnny Mayo

Child Custody Rights Of Mothers And Fathers

02nd February 2010
These days, the issue on child custody had taken a 180-degree turn when the law no longer believes that mothers should be the first priority in the event of the couple's separation or divorce. Nowadays, decisions on child custody cases are based solely on...
Author: Caksut

military divorce

15th November 2009
If you're in the military and contemplating a divorce, it's imperative to seek the proper legal counsel from someone that is well versed in military divorce law. This is because the nature of such things can be potentially complex and you want someone tha...
Author: contentking10