Causes of Rejection of Social Security Disability Benefits

By: Mesriani Law Group | Posted: 10th September 2009

The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is the largest federally-assisted program that provide monetary assistance to people with impairments and disabilities that prevent them from working.

Because this program provides an extensive assistance to beneficiaries including their families, the number of people who are applying for this benefit is continuously on the rise, including those individuals with fraudulent claims.

To make sure that the funds go to the right people, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has now become stricter. According to reports, more than two-thirds of applications were rejected by the federal agency in 2008. However, out of this number, 60 percent were granted with benefits after they appealed their cases.

Causes of SSDI Rejection

The reason why the SSA rejects countless of applications for SSDI benefits is that many people are filing for claims even if they are not qualified in addition to defrauders who only want to make a profit out of this federal program.

According to SSA, these are some of the most common causes of rejection of benefits:

• The applicant is only suffering from a partial or short-term disability. The SSA defines severe disability as a condition that prevents someone to work, thus resulting to loss of income. In case that a person has impairment or sickness that does not affect basic activities, the agency will reject his/her application.

The applicant should also wait at least six months before getting his/her claims so the SSA can prove that he/she is really suffering from a long-term disability.

• The applicant is working and earns a decent salary. The SSA looks into the personal assets and earnings of people to determine if they really need a federal assistance.

Also, anyone with disability but can still do other works is usually rejected by the SSA.

• The applicant is not a Social Security taxpayer or his/her contributions are not enough. To be qualified as SSDI beneficiaries, people should have worked for at least 10 years in the US and have contributed enough funds which they paid through salary deduction.

• The applicant has an outstanding arrest warrant for a crime of felony or any crime punishable by death or at least one year imprisonment.

• The applicant is confined in an institution by court order. In some cases, the SSA gives benefits to certain family members while the main beneficiary is still confined for a crime.

• The applicant violated his/her probation or parole handed down by the court. According to SSA, a person cannot receive his/her disability benefits for the months he/she violated the conditions of probation and parole.

Our experienced social security law attorneys can help you in filing for disability benefits under federal disability law. For consultation, visit our website and dial our toll free number.
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Tags: six months, earnings, two thirds, social security, rejection, personal assets, fraudulent claims, disabilities, social security disability, social security administration, ssa, security disability insurance, social security disability insurance, long term disability, short term disability, monetary assistance