Grounds for Personal Injury Lawsuits in Canada
By: Mike Clark | Posted: 03rd October 2011
If you have been injured by another person, whatever medium used for the assault, or whether it was done intentionally or by negligence, it is your right to ask payment for the damages done, especially if the person caused long-term damage. Personal injury does not necessarily mean that the person is being injured physically. Damage to life and reputation can cause personal injury.
Car Accident
Injury victims of a car accident can get compensation from their life or car insurances to cover for the damages. However, if the injury is severe and caused long-term, negative effects, a lawsuit may be filed against the person deemed responsible for the collision.
Employees who are injured during work hours and eventually leading to disability are entitled to have workers’ compensation. Employers who fail to provide the employee its deserved benefit can be sued for a tort.
Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice is another popular example of personal injury. If the health care provider failed to provide the proper standard of health care service and it resulted to worsening of the patient’s medical condition, the responsible medical staff can be sued for personal injury. For example, a nurse who mistakenly injected an expired depressant to a patient and caused the patient’s death is guilty of tort. Medical malpractice is controversial. The best people to consult about this would be Ottawa lawyers who are knowledgeable about Canadian laws governing medical malpractice.
Defamation is a strong ground for a personal injury lawsuit. People who are responsible or involved in deliberate misinformation about a person’s life and credibility can be sued. Misinformation can be in written form (libel) or spoken (slander/character assassination, defamation). Damages caused by defamation can last even for a lifetime. Seeking legal assistance immediately can help the victim regain credibility and reputation. Several Ottawa personal injury lawyers have a reputation of defending victims of defamation.
For years, personal injury has been a complex subject in Canadian law. The grounds for personal injury are often debated among legal practitioners. Through the years of existence of the Canadian Tort Law, it is always an Ottawa personal injury lawyer who’s able to defend and protect the rights of the victims of personal injury.This article is free for republishing
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Tags: credibility, misinformation, health care provider, personal injury lawyers, medical malpractice, negligence, defamation, medical condition, medical staff, car accident, accident injury, personal injury lawsuit, workers compensation, car insurances, libel, legal assistance, tort