Marriage visa - Spousal Visa - K3 Visa: How to Avoid Denial

By: fianceevisa | Posted: 10th November 2010

Marriage visa - Spousal Visa - K3 Visa : How to Avoid Denial

Many Americans go through the process of acquiring a href=>marriage visa every year. Every year, many petitions get denied. This is mostly due to inefficient handling of the filing and submission of documents. If you want expert help in your marriage visa application, you can check out

If you're planning to file a marriage visa petition so that your spouse can live with you in the United States, then you will need to submit documents to prove that you are a lawful citizen of the U.S. and that you are financially capable of supporting a spouse in this country. You will also have to submit documents to prove that your relationship is real and not entered into just to deceive the government. is a marriage based American immigration service company. We can be your partner in organizing your documents so that you don't miss anything important. With help from the professionals, you will never have to worry that your spousal visa will be delayed or denied. We offer efficient and accurate service at reasonable prices. You can rely on quick and detailed marriage visa preparation so your petition is approved on the first try.

Once your spouse is in the country, we can help with Adjustment of Status. We will also help with the filing of permits so that your spouse can travel and work. Later on we can also help with the application for a permanent green card.

The complicated href=>marriage visa process should not prevent you from bringing your spouse to live with you here in the United States. You also would not need to hire expensive lawyers to help you deal with the requirements of the different government agencies. You only need reliable, proficient and experienced visa preparation experts. So check out and start your visa application the right way.

Call us now at (888) 894-8655
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Tags: submission, relationship, lawyers, marriage, government agencies, denial, citizen, green card, petitions, visa application, marriage visa, visa petition, adjustment of status