Work Visa for Permanent Workers

By: Seymour Martin | Posted: 14th February 2011

Working in USA -an economic super-power, is a dream shared by almost all. Influx of foreign workers burden the economy of the host country, hence, every country tries to contain the number of unnecessary foreigners working in it. USA offers approximately 140000 workers (or his family) visas to work permanently in it under five categories that are called preferences.
The first preference is for people of addl. capacities in education, science, arts, business, or athletics also outstanding professors also research professionals and executives and managers. Roughly, this means people of eminence only qualify for this category. T

The second category is for members of professions having higher degrees or with high ability in the sciences, or business. The third preference is for the skilled workers and professionals. Most people contemplating working permanently in US should consider this type for them. The fourth preference pertains to retirees of US foreign office or international organizations like U.N.O, religious workers, or minors in wards of US courts. The fifth preference is for people who can afford to invest their money to boost the US economy i.e. this visa-type is meant wholly for investors. Since, everyone cannot be termed as an investor and tangible investment should be invested into the US economy to become eligible for this type. The threshold of minimum investment is $ 1 million. This amount can however be lowered to half i.e. $ 500000 if it is being invested in a targeted area.

The employer sponsoring the US work visa seeker needs to have Labor Certification for the first and second preference from the US department of labor demonstrating that the employment of the proposed employee shall not have an adverse impact on the wages and working conditions of similarly employed U.S. workers. The pre-condition of Labor Certification does not apply if the employer has a National Interest waiver.

Obtaining a work visa to work permanently in USA is indeed cumbersome. Most people shall find it the last thing that they can ever achieve. Therefore application should be made very shrewdly in order to avoid rejection. Many people can qualify for working temporarily in US that may pave the way for their permanent working at some later time. Yet, as stated above US issues 140000 thousand permanent work visas annually. If an applicant can prove rationally to the immigration authorities in the interview and corroborating records that he / she truly is qualified to be granted visa amongst the aforementioned five categories , he should start shopping for his stay in the US. You probably shall be going to US with a pack of dreams to materialize.
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Tags: influx, host country, foreigners, department of labor, wards, eminence, adverse impact, minimum investment, skilled workers, us department of labor