Treatment for Fibromyalgia, Fibromyalgia Disabilities, Treatment for Pain.

By: Adam | Posted: 22nd September 2010

Fibromyalgia produces widespread pain from head to toe and makes you feel tired. Tender points most commonly occur in the back, neck, shoulders, lower back, hands, hips, and knees. It is also characterized by restless sleep, depression and disturbances. Another common symptom is a mental haziness sometimes called fibro-fog. This is refers to the inability to concentrate, memory loss, and depression. Fibromyalgia pain, which is often worse in the morning or evening, is sometimes described as throbbing, twitching, stabbing, or shooting and may intensify in cold or damp weather, or with fatigue, inactivity or too much activity, stress, or anxiety. The Fibromyalgia affects people of all ages and races, the illness tends to strike women more often than men. In most of the people muscle pain is not only related to the arthritis or nervous system it also occurs with Fibromyalgia. Traditional treatment of Fibromyalgia is improving the sleep and reducing pain. Fibromyalgia decease symptoms are confused with symptoms typically linked to another condition. It is also considered as a syndrome because it is a set of signs and symptoms occurring together. There is no inflammation associated with Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia varies from one patient to another, but the multiple symptoms it causes are often intertwined. For example, patient who do not sleep well usually struggle with daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, depressed mood and also increased pain. The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA) is a nonprofit organization decided to research, education and patient care based on a safe, gentle and painless system of spinal correction. In 1966 Dr. Gregory founded The NUCCA organization and the Upper Cervical Chiropractic was developed by Dr. Ralph Gregory. Dr. George Gertner earned his Doctorate in Chiropractic from Life University in Marietta. Dr. George Gertner, who had himself suffered a serious back injury earlier in his life, was treated by Dr. Friedman using the NUCCA procedure and discovered personally the astonishing power to heal of the gentle NUCCA procedure. For more information on Dr. George Gertner and Fibromyalgia treatments go to
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Tags: memory loss, neck shoulders, back injury, fibromyalgia, depressed mood, tender points, damp weather, dr george