Why is Surgery Center Liability Coverage Important?

By: Maria Palma | Posted: 23rd April 2010

You probably worked very hard to get your medical career going. Now as a medical professional your main focus is to take care of your patients. You do the best you can, but sometimes mistakes happen.

Whether you're a doctor, nurse practitioner, medical assistant, or x-ray technician working in a surgery center or imaging center, it's vital to your career to carry surgery center liability coverage. By not having coverage, you run the risk of a medical malpractice lawsuit which can be very expensive and time consuming to defend.

Did you know that the cost to defend just one malpractice claim could be more than the annual premium paid for malpractice insurance? Just one malpractice lawsuit can disrupt your career and even set you back financially. That is why surgery center liability coverage is important.

Think about it. You do everything you're supposed to do as a medical professional working in a surgery center. You follow all the rules and standards. You even make sure that you have made patient care a priority. However, there may come a time when a patient becomes sick or injured - or even worse, the patient passes away. It may not even be your fault, but because that patient was under your care at one point, you have now become the subject of scrutiny. A lawsuit may even be filed against you.

You can purchase surgery center liability coverage at relatively affordable rates from an insurance broker or insurance provider. This insurance will cover litigation costs in case of a lawsuit against you. If you are looking for medical malpractice insurance, make sure to shop around to get an idea of medical malpractice insurance rates and find a policy that offers you the right amount of coverage.

About the Author:
Maria Palma is a freelance writer and internet marketer helping businesses expand their brand online. If you are interested in surgery center liability coverage, get a free malpractice insurance quote.
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Printed From: http://www.goinglegal.com/why-is-surgery-center-liability-coverage-important-1517299.html

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Tags: internet marketer, medical assistant, freelance writer, x ray, insurance broker, insurance provider, surgery center, scrutiny, nurse practitioner, doctor nurse, medical malpractice insurance, insurance quote, liability coverage, patient care, medical career, medical malpractice lawsuit