Explosive Fire and Burn Injury for the Youth

By: Mesriani Law Group | Posted: 15th March 2010

Burn Injury: Degrees and Usual Victims

Burn injury involves damage to the skin or other parts of the body caused by different factors such as an explosive fire or contact with hot chemicals or objects. It can cause severe suffering to a person because it damages nerve endings, resulting to extreme pain.

The youth is more prone to sustaining it compared to other age groups. A study that was published in an issue of “Pediatrics” revealed that over 120,000 youths who are 20-years-old and younger received emergency room treatment for burns.

Meanwhile, children below 6-years-old are responsible for 56% of the total number of injuries counted.

Before the parents of children panic after learning this information, they should know that not all burn injuries lead to catastrophic results. To understand it better, here are the different burn injury degrees:

• First degree burn- This is the least alarming degree because only the outer layer of a person’s skin is burned. First degree burns are the most minor and usual of all burn degrees. It will heal in the period of two to five days.

• Secord degree burn- A person sustains second degree burn when his or her skin’s first layer was burned through and the second layer, also known as the dermal layer, also sustained damage. Burns in this degree are viewed as minor if they only involve lower than 15% of the body surface for adults and lower that 10% for children.

• Third degree burns- This degree involves all of the skin’s layers and it causes lasting damage to the tissue. Bones and fat muscles may also be affected.

Medical assistance should be immediately acquired if a person sustains major burns. Here are some actions that should be done before help arrives:

• Do not submerge body areas that have severe burns under cold water.

• Do not remove burnt clothes.

• Check for circulation signs like coughing, breathing, or other movements. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) If the person is not showing these signs.

Burn Severity

Aside from assessing the burn degree, it is also important to determine how severe it is. This may be accomplished by considering the following:

• The person’s age- Knowing the age of the person is vital because seniors and children often have graver reactions toward the injury and the various processes of its healing.

• Pre-existing mental or physical condition- People suffering from heart disorders, respiratory illness, kidney disease, and diabetes are in greater danger compared to healthy ones.

• The burn’s source- A minor burn that resulted from nuclear radiation is more severe than a burn that resulted from thermal causes.

Legal Assistance from Personal Injury Lawyers

If your child’s burn injury resulted from the negligent actions of others, ask for the legal assistance of personal injury lawyers right away. These skilled individuals understand the ordeal you and your partner are experiencing so rest assured that they will do their best in providing justice to your child.

Our personal injury attorneys are experienced in handling cases involving fire and burn injury. For consultation, visit our website and avail of our free case evaluation.
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Tags: circulation, 6 years, muscles, age groups, nerve endings, extreme pain, cold water, third degree, medical assistance, body areas, severe burns, dermal layer