Paying Student Loans as an employee? Pay student loans with an internet business!

By: Hal9ksrc | Posted: 20th November 2008

This short article is here to suggest some things about paying your student loans using an online business that you can create.

Go directly to my website

If you want instant details on 3 "scam free" online businesses, that I am using to pay off my student loans.

Read On! For more ideas to help you pay off your student loans.

(Also, Please consult an attorney if you have any legal questions, I am not an attorney . . . but what I have to say will work to get those student loans paid down}.

#1 Consider declaring an LLC (Limited Liability Company). Why? Because it is very easy ($50 and can be done on the web). I spent less then an hour on my state government website and had my LLC setup in my own name and was able to take the printed legal forms to the bank to set up a business account. The critical thing here is to get a Federal Tax ID. Once you have a Federal Tax ID, you can go open your business account. Why would you want to do this? So, that you can make money either from the internet business, or just for rendering services for which you will be paid and have a place to put the money, once it is made.

#2 Set up your electronic payment feature in your business account and setup a payee that has the address of the Department of Education so that you can kick off your student loan payment directly from your business account. Make sure that you put your social security and full name in the memo field. YOU NOW HAVE A 100% BUSINESS TAX DEDUCTION.

#3 Check out some online internet businesses that can start making you a supplemental income, that you can fill you business account with dollars, that you can then in turn pay to your student loans TAX FREEe. Didn't you go to college to learn the things that you will use to promote your business so that it will pay off your student loan? OF COURSE YOU DID! And because of this, you business will not get taxed for any money that it sends to your student loan - - - 100%.

So, go here and look at 3 online businesses that are not scams and are not Rip Offs! Check all three out! and there is nothing to obligate you. <-----This is an Australian domain! and Ausies Never Lie!

Harold M. Ruttinger, has worked as a computer professional for over 30 years, with partial formal education in computer science but did not have a completed bachelors degree. He went back to school and completed his degree in Information System Security. Now he is 56 years old, with "The Sheep Skin" and recently laid off from United Health Group and has not had another job offer since the lay off. He is now paying off his student loans by promoting his home based internet businesses tax free.

Here is another one! Check it out!

Copyright (C) 2008, Harold M. Ruttinger, MCSI,LC

This article is free for republishing
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Tags: internet businesses, student loans, limited liability company, business account, business tax, legal forms, supplemental income, rendering services