7 Mistakes to Avoid When Going Through a Divorce

By: Toby King | Posted: 18th June 2015

The entire divorce process can be very complicated and can leave you emotionally and financially exhausted. Unfortunately, due to the nature of divorce, the mistakes you can commit during the process can affect you for life. Knowing what these mistakes are and making sure you avoid them will help you go through the divorce process smoothly.

Failing to Understand the Legal Aspects of Divorce

Unless you're a law student, there's really very little chance that you understand the legal aspects of divorce at all. This doesn't mean you should just leave everything to your lawyer, however. As much as possible, try to research about the subject on your own and find out what your rights are, what things you need to consider, and what other things you need to expect as soon as the legal process starts.

Treating the Entire Process as a Contest

It's really easy to get carried away by your emotions and treat the Courtroom as a battleground where your ultimate prize at the end are your kids and the properties you believe you have the right to. Believing that your spouse is your enemy and that you have to hurt him or her is wrong, however. As much as possible, you would want the entire process to end with you and your ex-spouse having a good environment to raise your kids.

Lying in Court

If there is one mistake you can commit that has the potential to make you lose everything, it's lying and cheating in court. The thing about being lying is that one untruthful comment can make everything you said or will say can be considered null once the court finds out you're not telling the truth. Aside from that, the court may even favor your ex-spouse thinking everything you will further say will just be a lie.

Not Keeping a Journal

Even the tiny details are important in a highly-contested family law case, which is why keeping a journal is very crucial. You may or may not be able to use it, but keeping record of events significant to the divorce process may prove to be a good idea later on when you need to remember details and information needed in court.

Not Considering the Mediation Option

Whether your divorce is of a friendly nature or not, having a third party help you and your ex-spouse come up with an agreement before heading for court can be very important. In most cases, it is the quickest way and least expensive way you can reach an agreement together. If everything can be settled through mediation, you and your children will be able to avoid the trauma the legal aspects of divorce can bring.

Selecting the Wrong Family Lawyer

You need to understand that it's possible to go through the divorce process without a lawyer, but if you want everything to be settled quickly with little or no hurdles at all, getting a family lawyer is your only solution. You don't want to end up with just any lawyer, though. It's easy to be tempted to just hire the lawyer who lives down the block or one who's convenient for you, but if you want to win your case, you need a lawyer who's an expert in family law and one with enough experience and high success rate.

Toby King is a legal consultant and associate, working for a prestigious law firm in Sydney. He provides expert advice on corporate and personal legal concerns like property settlements and financial and accounting services. He also recommends you log on to Clinchlongletherbarrow.com.au to find out more about the legal aspects of the divorce process.
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