Grow your business campaigns through Jingles promotion

By: jingle | Posted: 13th March 2012

Adding custom theme music or jingles to your TV and radio ads can make your advertising efforts twice as effective by appealing to both sides of the brain. According to Professor Gerald J. Gorn, in a paper for The University of British Columbia School of Business Administration entitled, The Effects of Music in Advertising… “About half of our population are right-brain influenced and the other half is left-brain. The most successful commercials involve both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.”

People respond to and remember thought that is colored by feeling. It’s why we add color and graphics to our print advertising. It’s why the television and motion picture industries added color to TV and the movies. The same part of the brain that responds to imagery responds, even more so, to music. The right-brain is feeling oriented, intuitional and likes imagery and music. Rhythm, melody and pattern are all right-brain functions and are inherent in the jingle. The left-brain is analytical and reasons with step-by-step logic. It likes facts! The most effective commercials, as evidence indicates, utilizes the wholesome combination of information that addresses both the thinking left-brain and the feeling right brain.

Music as a Mnemonic Device in Communicating Advertising Slogans by Richard F. Yalch, School of Business, University of Washington talks about memory recall and the percentage of effectiveness of different types of music. There are basically four different types of musical choices in advertising:
1. Needle-Drop or “Canned” background music. Generic music as a backdrop to an announcement may lend an aesthetic value but, according to Radio Recall Research Inc., does nothing to effect memory recall. The volume should always be low in relation to the voice so as not to compete with the message.
2. The Pop-Song Jingle. A popular song used in part in an ad, often as a substitute for a custom jingle was only 23.6% effective. In fact this approach can actually be a distraction! One of the problems with the pop-song jingle is that people tend to remember it and not the advertiser’s name or message.
3. The Parody. A remake of a popular song with a re-written lyric proved about 43.6% effective.
4. The Custom Jingle. Of the four types of music for advertising, the custom jingle package…music created specifically for the advertiser to communicate name and slogan…rated 54% more effective than the Pop Song jingle and the highest overall at 77.6% effective for name recognition and message recall!
I want you to think back to when you were in kindergarten, learning your alphabet. Remember? Now sing along with me. A,b,c,d,e,f,g,…….!
How amazing is that? That’s the power of music as a memory aid.
That’s the power of a good jingle!

Developing a great business jingles and radio ads is an essential part of the latest trend known as sound branding. Companies have been creating business jingles since at least the 1920s, dating back to the launch of the earliest US radio station commercials.

The power of catchy tunes to boost your brand has stood the test of time because it works. One example of a famous business jingle comes from Empire Today, and their jingle has been broadcast since 1977 to promote their Empire Carpet and other flooring installations.

The use of sound branding has evolved over time as technology has changed, and the latest incarnation is geared towards the social media world. Social media offers a huge new opportunity to promote your business jingle via your website, mobile apps, online TV, YouTube and much more. These media outlets offer the chance to tie visual and audio aspects of your branding together, which can increase the effectiveness of both. Sound branding can work for any size company, and it's worth noting that the largest companies all use jingles to promote themselves.
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Tags: radio ads, aesthetic value