Injury Compensation - Your Questions Answered

By: Jessica Parker | Posted: 20th July 2011

Claiming injury compensation might appear to be a time consuming process at first, but with the help of a good legal advisor it can be made a whole lot easier. Those considering making a claim for injury compensation should look for a reputable company to deal with their claim, where possible one which offers a no win no fee service. It’s also important that you’re able to provide documentation and even witness statements to support your claim. With this in mind, you may have questions around certain aspects of the injury compensation process such as the following:

No win no fee: what’s in it for me?

No win no fee means just what it says: if your claim isn’t successful, and you’re not awarded compensation, your lawyer will not charge a fee for their services. If your claim is successful on the other hand, your legal costs are covered by the party whose negligence caused your injury. This system makes it easy for people who’ve been injured or affected by an accident to claim injury compensation from the person or parties responsible.

Could I risk losing my job by making a claim for injury compensation?

Your employer cannot dismiss you for making an injury compensation claim. By law, doing so would make them liable for unfair dismissal and would mean another claim could be brought against them. In addition, an injury compensation claim against an employer shouldn’t put them at risk financially; all employers are required to take out liability insurance to cover accidents in the workplace. If you are awarded injury compensation, this should be paid by your employer’s insurers and not by the individual who employs you.

I’ve been injured and I’m thinking of making a claim. How much injury compensation will I be awarded?

If your claim is successful, the amount of injury compensation awarded to you will depend on a number of factors. How long you’ve been out of work for as a result of your accident will influence the loss of earnings you may have suffered. The severity of your injuries will also influence the amount awarded, as will the pain and suffering which resulted. Each claim is different, so it’s important that you talk to your lawyer or legal advisor beforehand about what to expect.

If I claim injury compensation, will I be fuelling the ‘compensation culture’ that everyone talks about?

The term ‘compensation culture’ refers to the idea that we live in a culture where an increasing number of unnecessary compensation claims are made. This idea has been made popular by media coverage of large payouts awarded for injuries and accidents and by a small number of bogus claims. The reality, however, is that the number of injury claims being made is relatively static. What’s more, if you have genuinely been the victim of an accident that someone else could have prevented, and this has had an impact on you financially, you are legally entitled to make an injury compensation claim and you shouldn’t feel that you are part of this so-called compensation culture.

National Accident Helpline are specialists in no win no fee claims for injury compensation The company provides claimants with open, honest advice and prides itself on the ability to deal with all types of injury compensation claims.

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Tags: job, whole lot, reputable company, lawyer, insurance, liability insurance, negligence, compensation claim, injury compensation, accidents in the workplace, loss of earnings, unfair dismissal