The 11 Forgotten Laws-Working with the Law Program

By: Andrew Rodney | Posted: 26th February 2011

You have probably heard about the book and movie the secret and I think it was a good product for creating awareness that there are laws and universal principles governing our life.

But other than that The Secret book has no secret in it. There are no secrets or I should say if there are things which are secrets then we will never know about them that is why they are called secret. You may not know about certain things but that doesn't mean they are secret.

Authors and marketers like to use the word secret because it is kind of catchy and it attracts a lot of attention. People think they are going to get some information that no one else has and therefore have an advantage over the other person.

But the good thing is that in order to transform your life and live the life you would like to live you don't have to search for some secret formula which doesn't exist or which you wouldn't find anyway.

The universe is made in such a way that if you are looking to improve the quality of your life in any area and you look for ways to do it you will find an answer. Things, books, movies, people will come your way and all of the sudden you will have plenty of opportunities, information and help to start your journey.

The 11 forgotten laws program is a composite of universal laws which govern our life. If you study these laws you will discover that in order to live the life you want to live you don't need to know any secret.

You will discover that we live in an abundant universe where the word competition doesn't have any meaning. There is no competition when you work in harmony with the universal laws. There is no one that has something that you don't. All you have to know is to become aware of it.

And the only way to become aware of something is to study that very thing.

You can learn about The 11 Forgotten Laws in a Tele-seminar interview with Bob Proctor. Get it FREE just by clicking the link.

My name is Andrew Rodney. If you enjoyed this article and found it useful then let me invite you to start discovering the laws of the universe. You are welcome to visit my site at look around and get FREE access to a Tele-seminar interview with Bob Proctor and FREE download of The Reversal of Attraction book.

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Tags: universe, marketers, journey, harmony, tele, universal laws, bob proctor, movie the secret