Food poisoning outbreaks in Egypt

By: Adrian Vultur | Posted: 23rd February 2011

Food poisoning outbreaks in Egypt have increased at all-inclusive holiday hotels over the past 2 years. Most cases of holiday illness result from poor standards of health and hygiene in holiday hotels and hundreds of claims for compensation have been made against tour operators in the UK.

Common questions about Salmonella include:

Q: How can I prevent Salmonella food poisoning in Egypt?

A: Never eat foods that have been left out at room temperature and/or left uncovered and open to the elements. Only drink bottled water with the seal intact.

Q: If I become ill with Salmonella in Egypt, where can I make a claim for compensation?

A: You can make a claim for compensation when you return to the UK by contacting a personal injury solicitor who works on a no win, no fee basis.

Q: Is Salmonella food poisoning serious?

A: Normally your symptoms will clear up within 3-4 days, although you must seek medical advice. If you suffer dehydration after long bouts of vomiting and diarrhoea, you may have to be hospitalised and rehydrated by means of an intravenous drip.

Q: Why is Salmonella so prevalent in Egypt right now?

A: The Salmonella bacteria thrive in warm environments with poor standards of health and hygiene. If food is badly prepared, stored or served, the Salmonella bacteria will multiply quickly.

Q: What should I do if I contract Salmonella in Egypt?

A: Firstly, report it to the hotel representative and/or the hotel management and then seek medical advice. Once you return to the UK, make an appointment to see your GP in case you are still harbouring the bacteria and then contact a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor who will help you bring a claim against the tour operator.

Q: What is safe food preparation?

A: In order for food to be prepared safely, food handlers should always wash their hands before and after handling food, utensils, including cutting boards and work tops should be washed with hot, soapy water after preparing each food item and kitchen surfaces should be washed down regularly.

Q: Can cross contamination cause Salmonella food poisoning?

A: Yes, most definitely. Cross contamination occurs when food is badly stored and when cutting boards are not washed between the preparation of different foods. If raw food is allowed to drip juices onto ready to eat food, this can also cause cross contamination and it is vital foods are stored properly in fridges to prevent this.

Q: What are safe temperatures to cook to?

A: Beef, veal and lamb, plus steaks and roasts should be cooked to 145ºF, pork to 160ºF, egg dishes and casseroles to 160ºF. All poultry should reach an internal temperature of 165ºF and leftovers to 165ºF. If you suspect food at your holiday hotel in Egypt is not being served at the correct temperatures, refuse to eat it.

Q: How long does it take to get compensation from the tour operator?

A: This depends largely on the tour operator and on the details of your individual case. If a tour operator admits liability, the case is likely to be settled much more quickly, but if they do not reply to correspondence straight away or if they deny liability, the case could take longer.

Q: How much can I claim for holiday food poisoning in Egypt?

A: This depends largely on the severity of your illness, but it is possible to claim from £600 to £34,500.

When you return to the UK, if you have suffered any type of holiday illness, contact a personal injury solicitor who will assess your claim free of charge and give you professional advice about claiming compensation.

Adrian vultur writes for Egypt holiday illness claims
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Tags: fee basis, medical advice, dehydration, health and hygiene, personal injury solicitor, hotel management, soapy water, cutting boards, safe food