Getting Things Straight Between Legal Separation and Divorce

By: michellegillett | Posted: 20th January 2011

There are many reasons why couples want to end their relationship as husbands and wives. After swearing that they will live together through thick and thin, couples find that their love is not enough to balance their differences. This is where the idea of separation becomes an option.

Many couples in Jacksonville, Florida are considering divorce to get out of marriage. However, the concept of legal separation confuses them. Often, many couples are not even aware that legal separation exists. Although legal separation does not have laws in many states, it can still be considered as an option for couples who are still testing the waters. The difference of legal separation and divorce is basically the premise of permanent separation.

Legal separation is, on its broadest sense, a way for couples to see whether divorce is right for them. It’s more of experiencing a trial separation, with legal aspects settled beforehand. This provides couples the chance to regain their relationship back without wasting time for legal matters of divorce. Couples hoping to get things fixed in due time and do not want to opt for divorce as a final option can go for legal separation.

Legal separation is like divorce except that the marriage does not end permanently. According to divorce lawyers Jacksonville, legal separation also includes settlements regarding child support and custody, assets and debt divisions, and spousal supports while the marriage is still lawfully in effect. It basically protects the interest of both parties until the decision of permanent separation has been made.

There are other benefits of legal separation before divorce. Divorce lawyers Jacksonville believe that legal separation allows the medical and social security benefits of the couple to remain in effect since they are still considered married according to the law. Moreover, military spouses can have their benefits from the government retained for ten years through legal separation.

A drawback of legal separation is that ex-couples are not allowed to marry other people because they are still married according to the law. When the decision of divorce has been made, couples can turn their legal separation agreement into divorce settlement agreement through the help of divorce lawyers Jacksonville. The process will normally take a short span of time, given that the division of assets and debts are already made. However, changes can still be made provided that both parties agree.
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Tags: drawback, couples, premise, social security, assets, marriage, due time, separation and divorce, wasting time, husbands and wives, social security benefits, child support, legal matters, legal aspects, final option, legal separation, divorce lawyers