Donation to children without parental care in Gabrovo, Bulgaria.

By: Angels Foundation | Posted: 19th January 2011

On the eve of Christmas and New Year, Angels Foundation with Chairman Ivelin Kichukov and its "Angels" donated products from the third campaign Buy and Donate in Gabrovo, Bulgaria.
In 2010 the Foundation with its noble traditions became one permanent assistant to social homes for children and elderly. Products - sweets and biscuits, cereals, hygiene products, flour, sugar and other worth about 250 Euro, were donated to Home for children without parental care "Hristo Raykov" and Unit "Mother and baby". We hope that not only the ordinary people of Gabrovo will help us but many companies will become our friends and "Angels" in our cause - To Donate smiles.

Thank you for spending time reading these lines. Hurrying up in that Hi Tech time, we could not escape and have a second for anything else than the usual .. therefore we thank you, because of that at the moment you neither read the newest online edition nor browse the latest pictures of a friend in Facebook. You are here; you are with us sharing the image of the reality. Outside the doors of your home, there are people who have no idea of innovative technology systems. They do not suspect that there is internet; there is no matter for them what the Medias predict, because it will not give them hope. They have no idea that there could be a social system like Facebook. For all these people the technology is just a small and old TV, positioned in the cold room. Newspapers are the well-known child books. The educators are their Facebook and their whole world is only one Home, but completely different from ours.

Reading these lines, you are already helping somehow. You help just because you've just remembered about and you will share it with everybody. Each of us could somehow help them - the bulgarian children, who want to touch your keyboard. They want to know how to handle with it, to learn communicating with the world in order to create their own friendships. Let's give them the opportunity to see the world outside "The Home".

Merry Christmas !
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Tags: friendships, sweets, spending time, new year, cereals, mother and baby, medias, flour, ordinary people, angels, biscuits, innovative technology, old tv, facebook