Good Immigration Attorney: What You Need to Know

By: savannahdefense | Posted: 23rd November 2010

After graduating from the state university, you land your dream job. Unfortunately, your visa is set to expire at the end of the month. You want to stay and keep your new job here in the U.S. because your chances of landing a similar job back home is unlikely due to the high unemployment rate. When you find yourself in this situation, what options do you have? Is it possible to obtain a work license?

These and many related questions can only be answered by a competent and experienced immigration attorney. Immigration issues can be complicated. A layman may not have the ability to get all facts at hand, and even if you can, the data may be skewed. Even a minor omission could cost you your freedom. Without proper documentation you could end up in jail, and worse even still, face deportation after the jail term. You just can’t afford to go it alone.

To increase your success in immigration related issues, you should hire the services of an immigration attorney. This is a lawyer who is specialized in immigration law. He is in a much better position to analyze your situation and inform you of your available options. Whether it is in obtaining a visa, work permit renewal, applying for citizenship or any other immigration issue, a good immigration attorney will give you useful information and help you to work things out.

There are many places you can start your search for a good immigration attorney. The easiest way to go about it is via the internet. Most professional lawyers either register their firms in online lawyer directories or have their own websites. The good thing about internet research is its simplicity. You can readily get information on lawyers narrowed to areas of specialization, geographical location, telephone and email contacts, as well as the attorney’s credentials.

When you contact the attorney of your choice, you will need to verify his track record as well as academic credentials. A good immigration attorney should also be well linked in the professional arena. He should be a member of the lawyer’s association, a member or official of the local bar council, and a member of the American Immigration Attorneys Association of the United States.

Savannah Attorney Michael S Moody concentrates his practice in the area of Criminal Defense in Savannah Georgia. Take action today and get yourself a reputable, dependable and experienced criminal defense lawyer. You can get one at Criminal Defense Attorney
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Tags: layman, new job, email contacts, dream job, unemployment rate, work permit, geographical location, deportation, internet research, proper documentation, immigration law, jail term, immigration attorney