Orange County Divorce Mediators Can Save You Money and Emotional Stress

By: mindfix | Posted: 18th August 2010

One of the many reasons that people hesitate to file for divorce even when they’re sure that their marriage is not the right situation is because of the time, extreme emotional stress and enormous costs that are generally involved with litigating such a matter. Fortunately, advancements in the law have provided those who need an Orange County divorce with an alternative to this traditional process, and it’s known as divorce mediation. Below are just a few ways that working with experienced Newport Beach divorce mediators can provide those who want to end a marriage with a resolution that avoids these problematic aspects of a litigated divorce.

Potential Cost Savings

Traditionally, when two people have pursued an Orange County divorce, each party has had to pay a retainer fee and ongoing fees and costs to a divorce attorney. When a divorce proceeds all the way to trial, it has commonly led to the liquidation of most if not all of a marital estate. In essence, everyone loses in this situation, as the assets that both parties have contributed years of work and discipline to accumulate are suddenly gone with no benefit derived.

When people seeking an Orange County divorce work successfully with experienced Newport Beach divorce mediators, these costs can be avoided. There will be no exorbitant legal retainer paid by either party, court costs are avoided and in many cases the marital estate is protected until it’s time to separate it with a degree of finality for both parties. Protecting all that both parties has worked for is one of the biggest benefits of pursuing mediation for the dissolution of a marriage.

Potential Emotional Benefits

There are two specific emotional benefits that could be achieved by the parties to an Orange County divorce who resolve the situation with Newport Beach divorce mediators. The first is more of a function of time. When divorces are litigated, they can take years to resolve. This long time period obviously adds to anyone’s stress as parties to a divorce always want to put an end to this difficult process as quickly and as fairly as possible. Mediating the situation will usually lead to a quicker resolution of the matter.

Another emotional benefit to those involved with an Orange County divorce is that instead of fighting over specific issues regarding finances or child custody in public and without the benefit of cooperation between the parties, those who want to end a marriage can sit down with the help of Newport Beach divorce mediators and result the situation together. Negotiating a resolution will provide the opportunity for the parties to a divorce to maintain a level of civility, and this civility will eliminate the potential of years of antagonism, bitterness and other emotions that no one deserves to endure both during and after an Orange County divorce.

If you find yourself in this situation, you owe it to yourself and to others in your family to explore the possibility of a fast and civil resolution to this matter. Contact the Newport Beach divorce mediators at Zonder Family Law in Orange County today to schedule an initial consultation.
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Tags: long time, benefit, time period, discipline, assets, marriage, liquidation, orange county, emotional stress, newport beach, finality, emotional benefits, divorce attorney, dissolution, divorce mediation