How Do You Heal Your Broken Heart?

By: Susan Russo | Posted: 16th February 2010

"Human pain does not let go of its grip at one point in time. Rather, it works its way out of our consciousness over time. There is a season of sadness. A season of anger. A season of tranquility. A season of hope." -Robert Veninga

The age old saying, "Breaking up is hard to do," is so true. It's never easy but, it is something that you will get beyond in time. Ah yes, and the second age old saying, "Time heals all wounds," goes right along with it. Clichés? Yes. But also no truer words have ever been spoken.

Going through the process of healing your broken heart is not only survivable but you will come through it a stronger, wiser person in time.

We have all been visited by heartache at some point in our lives. All of our situations are different but the emotions that go along with ending a relationship are universal. It is all a part of the grieving process.

The first thing to do is; don't feel bad for feeling bad. It's normal to feel the way you do, so let it go, get through the process and know in the end you will actually BE through it!

Learn not to live in the past by holding onto all of the old memories, going over and over what happened and why. Instead, start to pick up the pieces of your life by accepting what has happened and begin the process of moving on.

Ultimately it ends up being a choice you make. You either hold onto the past or you move onto the future by making healthy choices. By choosing the right outlook about what has happened and by keeping your focus on the future.

I know it's easy to say, but it can be done. Stop thinking about what makes you feel bad, i.e. all of the pain, loneliness, betrayal, jealousy, conversations you'd like to have and the ones you wish you had, and all of the other feelings that haunt you daily.

Learn how to flip the script in your mind to one that will serve you in a way that will help you get through the pain, not one that will keep you stuck in the past. Start to talk to yourself in a way a friend would. Give yourself the same advice you would give to someone you love who was going through the same situation.

The reality is that even though you don't feel you will ever get beyond this heartache, you absolutely WILL get beyond it. Acceptance is the first step. Tell yourself the truth about what is going on and as another age old cliché states, "The truth will set you free!"

You can and will heal your broken heart when you give yourself time, you are honest with yourself and you tell yourself the kinds of things that will keep you moving forward.

Life is a series of peaks and valleys, highs and lows, joys and disappointments. It's when you learn to appreciate what you DO have and when you learn to still be grateful for your blessings that you can move through the valleys of life knowing that "Life goes on!"

A lot of life can be seen through the old clichés, I believe they are there for a reason which comes from the experience of living. Each day is a new opportunity to look at life with the "right attitude."

So decide that you are strong and will survive and don't hold onto the past but hold onto the hope that life is good and "Life is what you choose to make it!"


Susan Russo is an author and coach who has helped people from around the world move beyond heartache and pain after their breakup or divorce. Would you like to heal your broken heart sooner rather than later? Find out exactly how with Susan's FREE copy of the 7 Steps to heal your broken heart.
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Tags: point in time, heartache, emotions, jealousy, conversations, consciousness, sadness, loneliness, betrayal, broken heart, ending a relationship, tranquility, healthy choices, grieving process, old memories