Your chances of being sued are now 1 in 4

By: Glyn Norman | Posted: 02nd March 2007

Your chances of being sued have increased!

The latest statistics reveal that you have a 1 in 4 chance of having a potentially ruinous lawsuit filed against you sometime in the future. The richer you are, the bigger the target, whether it's some opportunistic scam artist or the IRS. In fact, in the USA right now, there are 80-90 million lawsuits filed per year. Over 70% of the world's lawyers are here in the USA and 50,000 new ones added each year, all hungry for their piece of the lawsuit pie.

Unfortunately, the ordinary person can hardly afford what it costs to fight even a frivolous lawsuit and is often forced to settle out of court, because they can neither afford the time, cost or potentially bad publicity that would result to the case coming to trial. What can be done to protect the ordinary citizen?

One company, PrePaid Legal Inc., has taken a proactive approach to this problem and created (obviously) PrePaid Legal plans, which offer coverage for the whole family for $26 per month. In comparison to what a lawsuit could cost, this is a negligible amount and affordable for most. In fact, even having access to a lawyer in the first place can help you avoid a lawsuit. To be able to reply to the "injured party" that you have legal protection available to you, at no extra cost, would show them that you are not easily intimidated into settling, since you have legal representation in your corner, and you are not afraid to use it. PrePaid Legal offers 75 hours of trial representation in the first year, and it increases after that.

For many people this approach makes sense. Just as one gets health insurance to protect from catastrophic medical bills, so a PrePaid Legal plan protects from financially ruinous legal issues. With unlimited telephone access to a lawyer, free contract review, representation in motor vehicle legal issues, IRS audit assistance and more, a PrePaid Legal Plan is fast become a sensible addition to the other insurances one buys to protect one's family.

The author, Glyn Norman protects himself and his family with a PrePaid Legal Plan, and ID Theft Shield. Details on the plans are available at his website: with details on the Business Opportunities available with PrePaid Legal here:
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Tags: target, bad publicity, proactive approach, health insurance, lawyer, medical bills, legal representation, lawsuits, ordinary person, motor vehicle, scam artist, injured party, insurances, negligible amount, citizen, free contract, irs audit