Why Canada immigration now?

By: Charles101 | Posted: 26th November 2009

The UN Development Program recently announced its annual report of the best places to live in the world; they named Canada as the fourth best for its living standards. this highlighted what people who have gone through Canada immigration already know and reflects the superior quality of living that citizen's experience in this oasis of multi-diversity and economical prosperity. It isn't surprising that Canada was considerably higher placed than the UK and is regularly featured at the top of such polls - rated as one of the premier destinations for change and immigration.

Often referred to as ‘The Great White North' Canada these days is a cultural melting pot, built upon by a government intent on economic growth, the society that exists there respects and embraces the many different religions and backgrounds from around the globe. Some parts of Canada have been changed totally by the influx of immigrants, for example half of the 2.6million citizens living in Toronto going through Canada immigration and being born outside of the country
Although there has been a slight change to rules governing immigration to Canada and the entry process. Moving to Canada remains extremely easy when compared to other countries. Figures recently released by the Canadian Immigration office however showed that approximately a third of applicants applying directly to the Canada immigration authorities do not include all the correct documents and are refused on bureaucratic red tape.

Visit a Canada immigration specialist

Increasing demand for a limited amount of spaces allowed into Canada means that authorities will only accept applications with the most comprehensive and well-prepared paperwork. Immigration specialists will also fast-track the visa application and speed-up what can be an extremely slow process. They will also be on-hand to keep you updated on what is happening with your application and if there are any problems.

There are several things you should be looking for when searching for an immigration consultant. The industry has been recognised by several government approved bodies. It is therefore crucial to check that you use a firm that is registered with the recognised government approved bodies, in the case of Canada immigration, the Canada Society for Immigration Consultants (CSIC).
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Tags: economic growth, paperwork, influx, immigrants, melting pot, visa application, different religions