Types and Treatment of Fractured Bone Injuries

By: Mesriani Law Group | Posted: 23rd August 2009

Fractured bone injuries happen when a bone is cracked or broken. It is not exclusive to the limbs; in fact, the most dangerous types of fractured bone injuries are not with the limbs but with other bones in the body.

A fractured backbone can damage the spine and cause paralysis while a broken rib can puncture an internal organ like a lung.

Fractured bone injuries are often caused by accidents such as a vehicular collision, a trip, slip or fall accident and from the impact with or against heavy objects. It can also be caused by diseases like osteoporosis, cancer and sometimes by old age.

There are two basic types of fractured bone injury; open and closed.

Open fractures refers to broken bones that are seen through a broken skin or a wound while a closed fracture is the opposite, still a broken bone but not visible outside the skin.

Other types of fractures are:

• Complete fracture - The bone fragments separate completely.

• Incomplete fracture - The bone does not completely detach or is still partially joined.

• Linear fracture - A broken bone that is parallel to the bone's long axis.

• Transverse fracture - A broken bone that is at a right angle to the bone's long axis.

• Oblique fracture - A broken bone that is diagonal to the bone's long axis.

• Compacted fracture - A fracture that is caused when bone fragments are driven against each other.

• Simple fracture - A break in the bone in one place that splits the bone in two sections.

• Multi-fragmentary - A break in the bone that splits it onto more than one piece.

Treatment of fractured bones starts with the application of first aid. If there is a suspicion of a fractured bone injury, the first step is to immobilize the affected part of the body to prevent further damages to other parts like blood vessels and tissues.

A splint is normally used to stabilize the break and immobilize the affected part. Once in the hospital, an x-ray should provide for a better diagnosis on the extent of the fracture.

Bone healing is a natural process and doctors just make sure that the bones heal correctly.

Fractured bones are often treated by restoring the broke pieces back in its natural positions and makes sure that those position is maintained until the bone heals.

The doctor usually performs reduction, or aligning the bone in a good position then verifies it through an x-ray.

The fractured bones are then immobilized though a plaster or a fiberglass cast.

Some severe cases would require surgery. In these cases, the bone may be reinforced with metal.

In some cases, bone grafting may also be performed where a bone is replaced with material from the patient's own body.

Although not usually life threatening, the extent of the damage it does to a person is significant. It affects all aspects of a person's life from career to family.

That is why it is important to consult with a personal injury lawyer to know what you deserve from your or the liable party's insurance company.

To help you pursue claims for fractured bone injury caused by vehicle accident, consult with our expert personal injury lawyers. Visit our website and avail of our free case evaluation.
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