I Know It's Hard to Imagine Masterminding With Like Minded People When You Lack Self Confidence.

By: Malhotra | Posted: 13th August 2009

The basics of masterminding will help you navigate the process with greater ease. When you relax a little you will even find that the sessions are actually fun and you will look forward to your group time.

If you have never participated in a mastermind group it will be easier if you can find one to join instead of building your own. Simply let others know that you are looking to meet with like-minded people. You will be pleasantly surprised. Others may in fact choose to join you in your search.

Remember when searching for a group that fits with your purpose, that the members need not be local. Most groups connect over the phone, and therefore its members can be located on any continent. Today technology has eliminated distance as an obstacle.

Meetings that are scheduled ahead of time on a regular basis, once a week or every two weeks will allow for more focus and progress. Members of a group will sometimes choose to meet, in person for a 2-3 day stretch once or twice a year. That can be extremely beneficial on many fronts.

When choosing your mastermind group look for some people who are already where you want to be. It may feel uncomfortable for you at first. However it is only by associating with these types of folks that you will be able to gain the greatest knowledge and accelerate your growth.

People who are achieving what you are looking to achieve will be able to guide you, and help you avoid some costly mistakes. This benefit alone is worth every moment of discomfort that you could possibly feel at the beginning of your journey.

And as you are thinking about joining a circle of like minded folks, keep in mind that an ideal group size is around five or six. A group this size will allow participation from everyone and you will not be tempted to hold back from participating or even hide.

If there are less than five or six members, the group tends to lose its dynamics and energy. On the other hand, a group that is too large gets unwieldy. Remember you are choosing to mastermind in order to get out of your comfort zone.

"When two or more people coordinate in a spirit of harmony and work toward a definite objective or purpose, they place themselves in position, through the alliance, to absorb power directly from the great storehouse of Infinite Intelligence." Napoleon Hill

People who have experience with this process know the value of bringing members together, from various fields of expertise. This factor will allow for more thinking outside of the box.

People who are generally all from the same profession tend to have the same perspectives and often the same roadblocks. Drawing from a more varied knowledge base will bring forth more solutions and more resources to the table. This requires that the participants come to the sessions with an open and accepting mind.

Without getting into particulars of how mastermind meetings are conducted, know that the goal is to let everyone have airtime at each meeting.

At the beginning of the session the moderator for that meeting will generally ask its members what questions they have, which challenges they are working through and what kind of feedback people are looking for.

As folks listen to the opening comments and concerns they can start to think of resources to offer, suggestions and tips that could help.

Are you beginning to see how the process of masterminding is actually quite simple? There are no budgets needed, no fancy equipment required, simply a group of like-minded individuals who are enthusiastic about what they do and who want to learn and grow with each other's help.

It does not matter where you are in relation to your goals and purpose. Once again, the key factor is to simply get started. Be bold, be brave, set out to find a mastermind group today, and through masterminding with like minded folks, accelerate your success.
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Tags: benefit, sessions, journey, obstacle, mastermind group, costly mistakes, participation, continent