Stolen Debit Card? 5 Things you Should Know

By: Romel Whiteside | Posted: 05th August 2009

If you have a stolen debit card, the faster you report it. The better off you will be. With a stolen debit card every day you wait, it makes it that much harder for you. Remember to visit my blog for more information.

1. There is a federal law that says you cannot be held accountable for more than $50 of unauthorized charges on a stolen debit card. If you report the loss within a 2 day time frame, then you won't be liable for more than that $50.

2. If you report the loss before there are any unauthorized charges, then you have no liability for anything that happens with your stolen debit card.

3. There should be a number on the back of your bank account statements and report the stolen debit card.

4. After 2 days, you could be held responsible for up to $500 for any unauthorized transfers. On top of that, you could lose all the money and your overdraft line-of-credit. This happens 60 days after not reporting your stolen debit card.

5. If you wait 60 days you are responsible for all the losses.

Here is a story that I read recently. The story is true and it involves a stolen debit card.

Let's give the victim a name. Dana

Dana was thinking about getting a cell phone. Unfortunately, someone else was too. Not only that they wanted to use Dana's identity to get it. So, they set up an account with a cell phone company with a stolen debit card provided by Dana. Not only that, but they also paid off 2 other bills with that same card. The cell phone company allowed him to set up an account.

If they would have verified her information, they would have known that it was a guy setting up the account.

Dana tried to contact the bank's fraud department, but it was Saturday and she had to wait until the next week. She ordered 2 fraud reports.

They cost $5 each. On top of that, she had to wait more than 2 weeks to get the reports. So she didn't have any information on how much the thief had taken. She tried getting that information through the phone, but the operator said that the information was private.

She tried calling the cell phone company to find out more information on this guy, but they wouldn't tell her any information either. They said the info was private, but they did tell Dana that he was from California.

She filed a police report in which the police officer didn't want to file because he didn't want to the paperwork. After 10 minutes of hassling, he finally wrote the thing.

Dana canceled the account of the stolen debit card. She then set up a new account. She called the cell phone company and the police department again to try and get more information.

Nothing happened right away.

Dana eventually was charged overdraft fees for her stolen debit card. Remember the faster you report it, the better off you will be.

Before you go anywhere now, learn how you can prevent astolen debit cardfrom happening. Click here for the best info on identity theft stories.
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Tags: money, blog, losses, time frame, account statements, thief, debit card, day time, cell phone company