Robert's Articles en-us Why it is advisable to file your income tax online According to CRA it is more advisable to file income tax online to reduce the chances of errors and miscalculations that are common when using paper and pencil. There are many websites which enable taxpayers to file taxes online for free. Tax preparation ... 17th March 2011 Using the income tax refund calculator Calculating income tax for Canadians has been made easier with the advent of the Canada income tax calculator. These are software that can be used by taxpayers in Canada to calculate the taxes that they are required to pay by the Canadian Revenue Agency (... 17th March 2011 How to make filling of income tax easy for you the taxpayer The internet now has many websites and software which make it possible for taxpayers to do online tax filling at their own convenience. They help make the process of income tax filing easier and faster, and reduce the mistakes that are common when you use... 17th March 2011