Steven's Articles en-us 2010 In Australian Immigration The Australian immigration scene has seen quite a lot of events this year. There are have been some that have caused quite a lot of stir, while there are those that have made a lot of people jump for joy. Here’s a quick look at the year that was 2010 for ... 08th February 2011 Many Groups Fear The Effects Of Student Visa Changes The Australian visa application process have received quite a lot of changes in the last few months. These have made getting a visa a lot harder. And no one has felt this one more than the many foreign students that are currently enrolled in the country.I... 31st January 2011 Queensland May Be In Uncertain Situation For those moving to Australia, immigration to the country has always been considered as one of the best options that they have. After all, the country’s economy is pretty much on a boom, which means a lot of opportunities for them. Thus, many are enticed ... 26th January 2011 Australian Firms Continue To Improve Customer Service In Australia, business visa holders are often looking for new ways to improve their services. Many of them have introduced new ways of doing business. And these has resulted in the current growth that the country’s economy is experiencing. In particula... 20th January 2011 Strong Australian Dollar Raises Concerns With all the things happening in Australia, business visa holders are closely watching the latest developments here. With the country being one of the fastest growing economies in the world today, changes in here would certainly have a big effect. Thus, i... 18th January 2011 DIAC Launches New Guide Against Immigration Fraud For those wanting to pursue an Australian immigration, being a victim of immigration scams is certainly not going to be a good experience. Thus, the Australian government, through the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), is continuously tryin... 06th January 2011 Australian Detention Center Crisis Worsens It seems that the issue with regards to Australia immigration centers are far from over. After the incident that occurred in an immigration detention center in the city of Darwin earlier last month, several more incidents occur at other centers these past... 20th October 2010 Solving Australia’s immigration Issues As you might have already known, Australian immigration has been one of the biggest issues that has hounded the federal elections. In fact, both the ruling Labor Party and the Liberal Party made it a central in their campaigns. And the issue was hotly deb... 08th October 2010 Getting Your Visa Application To The Embassy If you are applying for an Australian visa, then you know how hard the process is. The lines can be quite long and the processing times can be arduous. Thus, it is not surprising that a lot of people would be seeking of faster ways to get their papers pro... 27th August 2010