risubrastogi2's Articles http://www.goinglegal.com en-us editorial@articlealley.com Virus removal services in Nashville, Tennessee Before we talk about virus removal it is important for us to know the different sources from where you system gets infected. The main source of infection is the internet. If you open any suspicious site or a suspicious mail, your system gets susceptible t... http://www.goinglegal.com/virus-removal-services-in-nashville-tennessee-2176467.html 08th April 2011 Agency defense in NYS Criminal Courts The agency defense is used by a New York criminal lawyer when a defendant is charged with a single sale of a controlled substance. The agency defense stands for the idea that the defendant is not guilty of "selling drugs" because he or she was allegedly a... http://www.goinglegal.com/agency-defense-in-nys-criminal-courts-1527745.html 30th April 2010 HOW CHAPER 7 BANKRUPTCY IS FILED IN NEW YORK A. NECESSARY DOCUMENTS Chapter 7 bankruptcy starts when the debtor or his New York bankruptcy attorney files a petition with the New York Bankruptcy Court. In addition to the petition, the debtor or his bankruptcy lawyer must also file the following docu... http://www.goinglegal.com/how-chaper-7-bankruptcy-is-filed-in-new-york-1508388.html 19th April 2010 HARRASMENT LAW IN NEW YORK STATE New York State Penal Law defines the Offenses Against Public Order. Section 240.25 of the New York State Penal Law defines the crime of Harassment in the First Degree as follows:A person is guilty of Harassment in the first degree when he or she:* intenti... http://www.goinglegal.com/harrasment-law-in-new-york-state-1500366.html 14th April 2010