Robert Don's Articles en-us The Importance of a Divorce Mediator Not all divorce cases are uncontested. While a significant number of cases have both parties cooperating for a hassle-free and fast divorce, there are still many that can't seem to agree on even the littlest division of property or child support which in ... 01st March 2010 Divorce And The Los Angeles County Family law include matters involving marital and parent and children relationships. So when you're contemplating on filing for a divorce, you need to seek the services of a lawyer that specializes in family law. This is to make sure that you get all the ... 01st March 2010 Things to Ask a Divorce Attorney in Los Angeles Every divorce is unique as circumstances differ from one family issue to the next. Add to that the different laws in each state and you get the picture that it's not as easy as filing for it and waiting for the final resolution in a few days. A good di... 01st March 2010 Fighting For What Is Rightfully Yours It is not easy finding the right Los Angeles child support lawyer that will represent you in court. The legal professional you will pick obviously has a lot of legal responsibilities and how he carries these tasks can make or break your child custody case... 27th January 2010 Not Your Ordinary Piece Of Paper When a couple undergoes a divorce proceeding, the information pertaining to the outcome of the case is made available to the general public via divorce records. Depending on the purpose it may serve, one of the couples can file for a personal copy of the ... 27th January 2010 The Good Divorce Attorney Trying to talk with a divorce attorney can be a difficult job. This is complicated by the mixed emotions boiling over due to stress and your worries about the probable financial distress that will ensue. If you have children, then the agony is doubled see... 27th January 2010