Cory Aidenman's Articles en-us How to Survive Divorce Financially: Steps to Take to Survive a Divorce Financially You have to learn how to financially survive a divorce. This is very important because it is a fact that divorce will take a big toll on your finances. Essentially, your financial situation will be less rosy immediately after the divorce. If you are th... 22nd December 2009 Survive a Divorce Emotionally: How to Overcome the Pain Many people find it hard to learn how to survive a divorce emotionally. For some people, it will take years of wallowing in pain and anguish before they can accept the sad realities of divorce. If you will not learn how to overcome the emotional trauma ... 22nd December 2009 Divorce Tips on How Parents Can Survive the Custody Battle Are you looking for divorce tips and advice on how to win a child custody battle? Here, we will take a look at some tips on how parents can survive the custody battle. What are you supposed to do for the best interest of your children when they are caught... 22nd December 2009 Divorce Planning Our modern culture reminds us to speak calmly and clearly, and limit revealing our emotions. In some circumstances, this approach results in an undercurrent of categorizing a person who reacts loudly and with intense emotion to a situation as a hysteric, ... 22nd December 2009 How I Divorced and Managed to Survive with my family's help Years ago I thought I was happy, in love, and my future looked bright.I was young and didn't understand marriage. I thought in the back of my head he may be with me only for the papers, but that quickly went away once he would do something sweet. Thoug... 22nd December 2009