LBuckfire's Articles en-us Burn Injury Cases The Michigan burn injury lawyers at our firm represent clients who have suffered serious burn injuries. Burn injuries are not only painful but can leave permanent physical and psychological scars. Many of these cases are Michigan wrongful death cases. ... 09th August 2011 Why Most Medical Malpractice Victims Are Never Compensated While many medical malpractice victims do receive fair compensation, many medical malpractice victims receive nothing. This is surprising considering it is ranked the eighth leading cause of death in the United States. There are several reasons why most v... 08th August 2011 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy & Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is a painful nerve problem that often occurs in the hand or foot after being injured. RSD is also known as complex regional pain syndrome type I (CRPS I) and is very complex and painful. Symptoms of Reflex Sympathetic... 13th December 2010 Michigan Car Accidents & PIP Benefits Under The Michigan No Fault Act Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance benefits are benefits available to people who have been injured in car accidents. Because PIP benefits are provided by your insurance company in accordance with the Michigan No Fault Act, they are often referred... 16th June 2010 Michigan Child Injury Lawyers & Child Brain Injury Causes Pediatric brain injuries are unfortunately very common in the United States. The effects of these brain injuries are often permanent and can lead to a lifetime of special needs, medical care, and special education. Common child brain injury causes inc... 26th May 2010 Birth Injuries, Birth Defects, & Michigan Medical Malpractice Claims Many types of injuries can occur during pregnancy, labor or after birth. Some of the most common types of birth injuries include cerebral palsy, erb's palsy, and brachial palsy. Birth trauma is an injury to the child during the delivery. Caring for a chil... 26th April 2010 Michigan Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers, Accident Analysis, Dram Shop Law & Prevention In Michigan, any driver with blood-alcohol absorption (BAC) above .08 percent is considered "per se intoxicated" under the law. Driving under the influence is a serious offense and is the cause of many wrongful deaths in Michigan. The number of car acc... 19th April 2010 Preventing Child Injury on Bicycles & Michigan Bicycle Accident Lawsuits More than 700 bicycle riders are killed in the U.S. every year, majority of them in collisions with cars, and 75% of them die of head injuries. Many thousands more may suffer less but still sustain debilitating injuries that are far worse than the physica... 16th April 2010 Michigan Car Accident Do's Every day someone is involved or injured in a car accident. Car accidents in Michigan are significant and as a resource we have provided drivers with some tips on what you should do after a car accident. If you ever happen to be one of those unfortunate p... 07th April 2010 Michigan Personal Injury Accidents, Claims, & Laws A personal injury, automobile accident, wrongful death, slip and fall, or dog bite case is any type of claim where a person has been injured or killed due to someone else's carelessness or negligence. If the only damage in your case is that your car got b... 01st April 2010 Michigan Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents, Injuries, & Legal Claims For No-Fault Benefits Pedestrians and bikers who are injured in Michigan car accidents have legal rights even if the car that struck them was not insured. There are two potential claims arising out of the automobile accident.The first claim you have is for no-fault benefits, w... 31st March 2010 Child Injuries & Death From Swimming Pool Accidents & Michigan Legal Theories Used To Pursue A Claim The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that there are on average nearly 10 drowning accidents occuring every day. Nonfatal drowning injuries can also be catastrophic and and can cause permanent brain damage, including problems with l... 29th March 2010 Michigan Personal Injury Lawyers - Finding The Best One The Michigan personal injury lawyer that you choose to handle your case can be the difference between receiving a great settlement or no settlement at all. However, choosing an attorney to represent can seem like a daunting task. The easiest way to choos... 22nd March 2010 Attendant Care Rates Under Michigan No-Fault Insurance Laws Michigan car accident victims are entitled to receive "attendant care service benefits" under the Michigan No-Fault Insurance laws. These benefits provide payments to a person or agency for attending to the injured person during his or her period of recov... 11th March 2010 The School Bus "Danger Zone" As unbelievable as it may sound, there are a large number of fatal accidents which continue to occur in this country involving students while getting on and off the school bus. According to published figures from the Kansas Department of Transportation... 29th December 2009 Michigan Slip And Fall On Ice Lawsuits Michigan Winters can be a dangerous time not only on the roads, but also due to slip and falls on snow and ice. Injuries from slip and falls on ice can result in very serious injuries, including but not limited to, broken legs, broken arms, fractured hips... 10th December 2009 The Reasons Most Michigan Medical Malpractice Victims Do Not Receive Compensation For Their Injuries Despite popular opinion about the "skyrocketing" increase in malpractice suits and awards, the number of suits has not increased since 1996, and in most cases, plaintiffs receive nothing. There are a variety of reasons why patients do not recover any com... 20th November 2009 Attendant Care Benefits and Michigan No-Fault Insurance Oftentimes, a person sustains serious injuries as a result of an auto accident, which renders him or her unable to do things that he or she was able to do prior to being injured. Sometimes, the injured person requires professional agencies to care for him... 18th November 2009