Justin Baxter's Articles http://www.goinglegal.com en-us editorial@articlealley.com Top Ten Reasons to Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney Filing for bankruptcy is a serious decision with long-lasting effects on a person's finances and credit. A qualified Vancouver WA Bankruptcy attorney can help you make the decision whether to file, what type of bankruptcy to file, and can ensure that the ... http://www.goinglegal.com/top-ten-reasons-to-hire-a-bankruptcy-attorney-1675191.html 04th August 2010 Bankruptcy Versus Debt Consolidation: A Clear Choice A recent New York Times article exposed the grave pitfalls consumers are facing, lured by debt consolidation companies that advertise aggressively. The pitch is simple: "Don't file bankruptcy. Instead, pay money to the debt negotiation company, which ... http://www.goinglegal.com/bankruptcy-versus-debt-consolidation-a-clear-choice-1619099.html 24th June 2010