Clark_Taylor's Articles en-us Why need legal contracts while being hired For any line of work; first and foremost thing that needs to be addressed, after the acquisition of employment is, to bargain the terms for employment contract. Employer holds the right to acquire the best possible human resource that is available to h... 16th July 2012 Room rental agreement more useful for landlord than tenancy Rental Agreement A rental agreement, or lease, is a legal contract that must contain certain terms. The agreement dictates the relationship between the landlord and the tenant or tenants. Some are very short documents that contain only the most essent... 09th July 2012 Will the Prenuptial agreement protects all my current and future assets? Yes, pre nuptial agreement will protect all your current and future assets. It excludes the liabilities of the parties towards each other and the asset of the parties earned by before or after the marriage will remain the sole property of the individua... 27th June 2012 Why couples sought Separation Agreement then divorce in Ireland? In marital breakdown, the husband and wife have to make the most serious decisions for themselves and their children at a time when they are most unable to do so. The number of divorced people in Ireland has doubled in the last 10 years – and the fig... 27th June 2012 How assignment contracts works? Assignment agreements are used to transfer one or more contracts between parties. In English contract law; an assignment involves an 'assignor', transferring some or all of its rights under a contract to an 'assignee'. An assignment in itself does n... 27th June 2012 Breach of Employment Contract In the event that you believe that your employer has acted unfairly towards you or has made changes to your work or job without your agreement, then your employer could be legally liable for breach of contract. The employment law in the UK understands... 27th June 2012 What Are the Corporate Benefits of Employment Contracts? Running and managing a business is very technical issue. For this purpose, you always need a skilful person to fulfil your business requirements. Company real and greatest assets are its employees and not the equipment, building. Employees are the back... 25th June 2012 What is the effect of an unwritten partnership agreement? Simply put, partnership is two or more than two people (groups or companies) who come together to form a business with the intention of making profit. An oral partnership is usually based on high level of trust. It is generally between family membe... 18th June 2012 The Dos and Donts of Personal Gaurentees The Dos and Donts of Personal Gaurentees Overview As forms of corporate business setups evolve, so does the spectrum of related business dealings, corporate processes and issues. All business scenarios require legal attention followed by documented... 14th May 2012 What is Business property lease? Business property lease is a written agreement between a landlord and a tenant. The type of lease agreement is also called as commercial lease agreement. It is usually suitable for premises used for business purposes whether small or big size such as: ... 14th May 2012 How to recover a debt by using statutory demand Introduction Statutory demand is a written request from the lender to debtor to return the loan amount. The debtor can be individual or corporations. In Australia, it is known as letter of demand. It is a useful tool to recover the loan amount. Yo... 02nd May 2012 I am being made redundant at work. What will my redundancy payment be? Introduction You are entitled to statutory redundancy pay if you have two year continuous service. The amount will be determined on the basis of: Your age; Your weekly pay; and Duration of continuous service. Your emp... 27th April 2012 Changes to Employment law Overview Equality Act 2010 ensures that is a right of every citizen of the UK to get the job without any discrimination. Equality Act 2010 minimises the discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex etc. Employment agreement is a legal and valid doc... 20th April 2012 Distribution agreements – benefits and risks A distribution agreement is a legally binding contract and regulates the commercial terms between a supplier of goods and a distributor of goods. The supplier of the goods supplies the goods to the distributor for resale in specified territory  The suppl... 14th June 2010 Employment Contracts - Indian Perspective Definition: A contract of employment is a bilateral agreement for the exchange of service and remuneration over a period of time. Employment contract is that form of contract for personal service which the courts recognize as expressing the social relati... 14th May 2010 Partnership agreements Contents: What is partnership? Who makes the rules? Keep it Simple; Do not get stuck in the swamp; How do I terminate my partnership agreement? What is partnership? The word partnership, both formally and informally, means a situation whe... 11th May 2010 The statutory demand procedure and professional tips on how to make it work for you Introduction If you issue a statutory demand, you can follow it up 21 days later with a bankruptcy (individual) or winding up (company) petition. There is nothing, but nothing that concentrates someone's mind more than prospective wipe out. Of course, i... 28th April 2010 Share or stock transfer form Introduction As part of the 2008 budget changes, stamp duty for stocks and shares that were previously chargeable with £5 duty, whether fixed or ad valorem, are exempt from stamp duty from 13th March 2008. Before March 2008, certain transfers of shar... 23rd April 2010