Caksut's Articles en-us Use of the Power Of Attorney: The Advantages and Disadvantages Appointing someone to handle your business matters could be a good idea. You do not have to attend company meeting in say Japan to sign documents. You are able to authorize someone to represent with the power of attorney as well that representative is cap... 05th May 2010 Child Custody Rights Of Mothers And Fathers These days, the issue on child custody had taken a 180-degree turn when the law no longer believes that mothers should be the first priority in the event of the couple's separation or divorce. Nowadays, decisions on child custody cases are based solely on... 02nd February 2010 Best Interests of the Child: The Key to Deciding Child Custody Cases In any child custody case, the court decision always focuses on the “best interests” of the child. This is a great consideration whether an out-of-court settlement has been reached by both parents and their lawyers or a custody decision is mad... 26th January 2010