Scott Jamieson's Articles en-us Education Tax Refund – keep your receipts! Last year, $400 million in tax benefits went unclaimed by parents of school children for education expenses. This year, parents are being urged to keep their receipts for tax time to alleviate the financial burden that back to school expenses place on man... 18th February 2011 Make a Christmas charity donation Christmas means different things to different people. For some, it’s a religious holiday. For others, it’s about celebrating the end of year festivities with families and friends. But regardless of how or why you celebrate, there’s something special abou... 24th January 2011 Migrating to Australia - Understanding the Australian Legal Market The Australian legal market is one of the most competitive in the world, and Australian lawyers are in high demand from international firms. The Australian market is also interested in and receptive to international lawyers especially from countries like ... 14th January 2011 Understanding parenting arrangements for children after divorce By nature, divorce can be unpleasant. Add children to the mix and the situation becomes even more complex. It’s not surprising, therefore that shared care and the legal arrangements for children after a divorce can be tricky. The parenting arrangements ... 29th November 2010 Overseas destinations for Australian lawyers The unique nature and specifications of many countries' legal systems and lawyer qualifications can make law a difficult career to transfer internationally. Many Commonwealth countries, however, share the Common Law system, which makes it easier for lawye... 15th November 2010 Are you eligible for a tax break on your company vehicle? Kevin Rudd has called small businesses the ‘backbone of the Australian economy' and in light of the almighty "GFC" and global recession, announced in 2009 that the government would help them stay afloat with a ‘boost' to the already established Small ... 20th April 2010 Introducing Lemon Laws in Australia In many countries, including the US and the EU, the government offers protection to consumers with Lemon Laws, laws that require car manufacturers and retailers to be held accountable for vehicles that are qualified as "lemons". Recently, there has been d... 21st December 2009