Nathan Moore's Articles en-us Getting Away from a Felony: Expunge Your Criminal Record If you have a criminal past, no one needs to tell you the number of ways it can negatively affect you. Job openings, career advancement and educational opportunities are now limited. It is both unfair and a truism that one indiscretion in one's youth can ... 08th April 2010 Tennessee Expungement: A How-To Gude Expungements are difficult to obtain in Tennessee, so much so many individuals have to seek a pardon instead. Tennessee expungement law is some of the most rigorous in the country. In Tennessee, most convictions are permanent - only a select number of sit... 25th August 2009 The Tennessee Pardon Process Due to the difficulties associated with qualifying for expungement in Tennessee, for many convicted of a crime the only other option is to apply for executive clemency, more commonly known as a pardon. In Tennessee, the pardon process is lengthy and di... 08th August 2009